Doodling Drawbots

Last term in STEMies Club we dived into designing ‘Draw Bots’. The girls drew and re-drew ideas to create an interesting ‘creature or thing’...

Maths Fun with Robots!

Programming robots and understanding that robots need ‘us’ to tell them what to do gives our girls empowerment to code. Preps to Grade 6...

KinetiKits: STEAM Educational Kits

In today's world, it's crucial to nurture and develop students’ creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It's even more important to do so sustainably. ...

Technology in Today’s Classroom to Inspire Ideas

When your like-minded colleague and friend, Anne Weaver, suggests a PD workshop on a Saturday morning in the holidays of course you say YES!...

STEM Ideas for Years 5 & 6

Children learn through play and discovery. Providing curious and interesting activities across the curriculum gives students opportunities to share their understanding and build on...

Christmas Catapult Games

The girls enjoyed a creative and educational activity of making catapults with paddle pop sticks and designing Christmas games. They explored physics, engineering, and...

Chain Reaction Creations using LittleBits.

LittleBits are small electronic blocks which snap together with magnets. We have had them in our Makerspace for quite a long time and I have...

Micro:Bit Holiday Fun!

The first two days of the holidays saw the students from St Aidan’s and local schools participate in a Jr Engineers holiday program, learning...

Ready for RoboCup….

RoboCup Junior Australia is an open platform robotics competition for students of all ages. St Aidan’s team of Yr 7 and Yr 6 students...

Makey Makey and More!

Spring Holiday STEMies Day was busy with exploring, creating and making interactive activities using Makey Makey, Scratch and Electric Mazes. Using projects available on Code...