I have raved about CSER MOOC’s (massive open online course) many times throughout my blog. Now I’m excited to share more amazing resources ‘The Computer Science Education Research (CSER)’, based at the University of Adelaide in the School of Computer Science, provided to teachers and schools. To assist teachers in understanding how to implement the Digital Technologies curriculum into their students’ learning across many areas, CSER provide PL-in-a-box, project officers and equipment which can be borrowed from their National Lending Library. This is a fabulous resource available to all schools.
Our teaching staff enjoyed a session with Lauren Stanhope, Queensland Project Manager, to learn about the MOOC’s and the Digital Technologies Curriculum. Lauren was so enthusiastic and excited by the content and possibilies of the resources available to help support teachers in addressing the content descriptors in the curriculum.
Lauren spoke about another excellent site, Digital Technologies Hub, which I have also mentioned before.
I requested to borrow the Sphero Kit for Term 2 from the CSER Lending Library. What a wonderful concept. It is expensive for schools to purchase so many tools and pieces of equipment, so this lending library is fabulous. Lauren was able to share steps in using the spheros and how to code the little robots to perform by changing colour and drawing a square! It certainly got staff running around chasing the little robots…
Although we did have problems with many of the Spheros not fully charged, the staff were still able to have fun watching and dodging the little droids colourfully speeding around the library. Lots of laughs and learning!