ClassTECH Conference

Over two packed full days I attended 'ClassTECH Conference' at Australian Technology Park, Sydney, which was a practical conference designed for educators who want...

Hour of Code 2015

Wow! What a great way to lead into our 'Hour of Code' with the whole Junior School. After a very successful event last year...

Drones in the Primary Years.

Using drones in the primary years builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills in addition to technical skills. Drones are very much part of our...

Making in the Classroom.

After a very successful 'Connection Day' involving makerspace activities I was delighted when our wonderful Prep teacher, who also runs  Young Masterminds told me I...

Ideas for using Technology in the Library.

Students live in a technological world and need to be supported in their learning with the new and exciting technologies constantly being developed. The...

Learner’s Playground

I was happy to have been asked to be part of the 'Learner's Playground' at the QSLA "Creating Future Libraries" annual network conference 2016. Last year...

STEM ED Magazine

STEM ED Magazine started in January 2021 and is rapidly growing both digitally and in-print supporting educators worldwide. It is filled with stories from everyday...

Prototyping with LittleBits

We were fortunate to visit and participate in a workshop prototyping a device supporting an age-friendly city using LittleBits at The Cube, QUT "An age-friendly...

Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum

At the end of last year, I attended an extremely worthwhile workshop looking at the Digital Technologies Curriculum and how it can be implemented...

Winches and Conveyor Belt Stories

This activity followed on from the skills mastered in ‘Engineering with Winches and Pulleys’ The girls viewed different types of conveyor belts and how they...