STEM Ideas for Preppies!

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is so engaging for students in the primary years when each subject is integrated into ‘making’ activities. Students...

STEM Punk Innovation Sports Competition

Innovation Sports is an Australian first competition that brings together Design Thinking, Creativity and Technology in a sporting environment with Minecraft as the building...

PBL at Griffith University

I’m fortunate to work with the wonderful staff at Griffith University in 1299edn. This course is for first year pre-service teachers to understand...

Impact of a Makerspace

Trisha Buckley who is a good friend, TL, book reviewer and colleague of #bestteachingpartnerever, Megan Daley, approached us about conducting a case study for her Masters...

Guest Post: Club Kidpreneur

I'm so excited to introduce the talented, passionate and dedicated Year 4 teacher, Jen Rowe, who very successfully introduced the concept of 'Entrepreneurship' in...

Geography in the Makerspace Zone

It was now time for us to promote our space to the rest of the school and to get the teachers behind what we were doing....

The Digital Technologies Hub

Some time ago while I was out running I received a phone call from Chris Harte (educational consultant) to talk about the development of the...

TeachTechPlay : Playback

I’m inspired and all set to hit Term 2 with more ideas after spending the last two days at the annual TeachTechPlay Conference at...

Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum

At the end of last year, I attended an extremely worthwhile workshop looking at the Digital Technologies Curriculum and how it can be implemented...

TechMates created with Hydraulics!

TechMate is held once a term for our girls from Grade 4 – 6 to come along with a significant male in their life...