STEM Ideas for Years 3 & 4

Children learn through play and discovery. Providing curious and interesting activities gives students opportunities to share their understanding and build on previous knowledge and...

Code Club

Before I got into researching about the Maker Movement I took part in a MOOC which was run by Adelaide University. It was about...

Linking Literature and Technology

I was honoured to be invited to present on TeachTechPlay Webshow Episode 39, by Eleni Kyritsis. I decided to share some of the things #bestteachingpartnerever, Megan...

Cross River Rail Experience Centre

The STEMies Club girls had an exciting trip to the Cross River Rail Experience Centre in the city, where they explored various aspects of...

Simple STEM Activities

Students enjoyed the challenges of creating, making and exploring different activities this year not even realizing that they were fully engaged in learning the...

Winches and Conveyor Belt Stories

This activity followed on from the skills mastered in ‘Engineering with Winches and Pulleys’ The girls viewed different types of conveyor belts and how they...

Christmas Cardboard Arcade

Following on from our History unit which incorporated the ideologies of the makerspace, the girls watched Caine's Arcade. After studying how Australia has populated since...

TeachTechPlay : Playback

I’m inspired and all set to hit Term 2 with more ideas after spending the last two days at the annual TeachTechPlay Conference at...

Robotic Hand Mission

I was very pleased to receive an invitation from Optimise Learning to work with and trail a mission with some of our students. Optimise...

Guest blog: Investigate & Create

Just as students grow and learn by working with their peers, so do teachers! How fortunate to be able to work with Deb Koh,...