Robots to Teach Coding Part 2 (Yrs 3 & Yrs 4)

‘Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer...

Fun with 3D Models & Micro:Bits

This term, our girls in STEMies Club embarked on a project where they crafted 3D models representing various natural disasters. The girls carefully choose...

Books to Inspire Coding & Robotics

I have been running a Coding and Robotics Club at school for a couple of years now. I started with coding and last year...

TinkeringChild @ Home

If you follow TinkeringChild web posts, Facebook or Instagram you will know how strongly TinkeringChild feels about how learning ‘happens’ where constructivism and constructionism...

Robotronica 2017

Once a year QUT hosts Robotronica a free Robotics and Technology Spectacular with demonstrations, workshops, games and discussions. Numerous engaging activities for all ages were...

AR and VR Biomes

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality enhances learning experiences for students. If you have used either of these realities, you will most certainly agree. Different...

Books for Coding

During Semester 1,  Megan and I have decided to incorporate coding activities into our library lessons. Our library lessons are 3 weekly rotations of Recreational Reading,...

Robots to Teach Coding Part 3 (Years 5 & 6)

Final post on selecting and incorporating robots in activities to engage students in learning to code. Followed by a list of resources to support...

Interactive Posters

We live in a world where technologies enrich and profoundly impact the lives of people and societies globally. Girls in Year 6 engaged in discussions...

Resourcing a Junior Makerspace

  Throughout my blog I have spoken about materials available in our space to stimulate making in the Makerspace. Sometimes the making and creating comes from literature,...