Robots to Teach Coding – Part 1 (K – 2)

“Everyone should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think” Steve Jobs Learning to code really does make ‘thinking’ happen!...

Creating with CoSPaces and Metaverse

VR and AR enhances learning experiences for students. If you have used either of these realities, you will most certainly agree. Different subjects can...

STEM Ideas for Years 3 & 4

Children learn through play and discovery. Providing curious and interesting activities gives students opportunities to share their understanding and build on previous knowledge and...

Exciting New Machine…..Epilog Laser!

Learning how to laser cut and engrave was very cool! Our school has purchased an Epilog Laser Mini. It both cuts and engraves wood,...

Delivery Drones

Year 6 enjoyed learning about drones and their applications in different fields. The girls read the story ‘Dronie’ by Paul Mead and Sarah Davies,...

Making in the Classroom.

After a very successful 'Connection Day' involving makerspace activities I was delighted when our wonderful Prep teacher, who also runs  Young Masterminds told me I...

Sharing the journey….

Megan and I were invited to present our introduction of 'MakerSpaces' into our library at SLAQ Creating Future Libraries Conference, October 2014. Our ideas, structure and...

Technology in Today’s Classroom to Inspire Ideas

When your like-minded colleague and friend, Anne Weaver, suggests a PD workshop on a Saturday morning in the holidays of course you say YES!...

Interactive Research with Makey Makey

Giving our year 6 students the opportunity to discover and play with Makey Makey enabled us to address the DT curriculum descriptors: Identify and explore...

Guest blog: Investigate & Create

Just as students grow and learn by working with their peers, so do teachers! How fortunate to be able to work with Deb Koh,...