Fun with 3D Models & Micro:Bits

This term, our girls in STEMies Club embarked on a project where they crafted 3D models representing various natural disasters. The girls carefully choose suitable materials for their creations from the Makerspace. Among their preferred materials were paper mache, cardboard, wire, foam, paint and magiclay.

After crafting their disaster models, the girls delved into their imaginations to develop rescue scenarios. They integrated technology into their narratives by utilizing wire as a means of escape, incorporating a wand equipped with a programmed Micro:bit. The Micro:bit tracked and recorded the number of times the wand made contact with the wire escape route.

The project was extremely enjoyable, fostering a sense of creativity and innovation among our girls.

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Jackie Child
Jackie Child has been teaching primary aged students for 40 years in a number of countries. She is passionate about how children learn through constructivist pedagogy. She is a Teacher Librarian at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School and a sessional tutor at Griffith University for pre-service teachers. Jackie doesn’t believe in standing still, there is always plenty to ‘do’ and learn!