STEMies in Action!

When considering where to start with our new after school Makerspace Club it was only fitting to begin with an idea which epitomizes the...

AI & Machine Learning in the Classroom

So, what is AI and Machine Learning? CSER (Adelaide University) have created another MOOC (Mass Open Online Course) and this time for ‘Teaching AI in...

Drones in the Primary Years.

Using drones in the primary years builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills in addition to technical skills. Drones are very much part of our...

Sharing Innovation with Green Screen Videos

This term’s TechMates (girls from grades 4 – 6 and a significant male in their lives) were invited to design and create a prototype...

‘Fun Palace’ Fun

St Aidan’s Junior students shone at SLQ Fun Palace. The girls shared their knowledge and interest in creating ‘banana pianos’ with Makey Makey kits...

Making the most of 2020 with Technology!

Its been a year like none other for most people who have  been trying to make the most of this ‘unprecedented’ situation. It has...


As the name suggestions this is a very ‘cute’ little robot which I was invited by Elecfreaks to try with our girls. As it...

Why ‘Making’ needs to be part of the School Curriculum.

After spending the last couple of years researching the Maker Movement and providing space within our Junior School library for a Makerspace I have...

Why Making to Learn?

Making is an essential part of being human. Humans have always made and created to survive and evolve. So why has education not continued...

Making and Creating with Augmented Reality.

Augmented Reality (AR) provides students with the opportunity of interacting and participating interactively with knowledge more authentically and engagingly. Instead of remaining passive recipients,...