Wellbeing and Mindfulness in a School Library

With so many pressures on our students: academics, exams, body image, parental pressures, friendships, belonging and fitting in, bullying, inequality, playground gossip and social...

Simple STEM Activities

Students enjoyed the challenges of creating, making and exploring different activities this year not even realizing that they were fully engaged in learning the...

Book Week with Technology

Book Week is always an exciting week in our Junior School library. This year was no exception! Our girls thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as...

Books and Technology

Although not spending as much time in our wonderful library with #bestteachingpartnerever, the use of literature to inspire and motivate students to ‘have a...

Impact of a Makerspace

Trisha Buckley who is a good friend, TL, book reviewer and colleague of #bestteachingpartnerever, Megan Daley, approached us about conducting a case study for her Masters...

Talking Oliver v5 in Brisbane!

#bestteachingpartnerever and I recently attended the inaugural Softlinks Conference in Brisbane, makes sense..... as that’s where they are based, as I found out! We...

Movie Making with ‘TechMates’.

This term TechMates (girls from grades 4 – 6 and a significant male in their lives) were invited to design and create a prototype...

Exciting Recent Events

I have been excited and encouraged by a few things which have happened recently. I was asked to write an article about Makerspaces...

TechMate Evening

TechMate Evenings are for girls from years 4 – 6 once a term to spend time with a significant male in their lives to...

STEM Ideas for Year 7 & 8

Students acquire knowledge and skills through a range of approaches, including experimenting, playing, and discovering. By offering engaging and thought-provoking activities across the curriculum,...