TechMate Evening

TechMate Evenings are for girls from years 4 – 6 once a term to spend time with a significant male in their lives to...

Electrical Circuits with Doodle Bots

Creating and making is a wonderful way for children to learn. When students make models of ideas, tools for inquiry, or invent to learn,...

Book Week with Technology

Book Week is always an exciting week in our Junior School library. This year was no exception! Our girls thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as...

Resourcing a Junior Makerspace

  Throughout my blog I have spoken about materials available in our space to stimulate making in the Makerspace. Sometimes the making and creating comes from literature,...

STEM Ideas for Years 3 & 4

Children learn through play and discovery. Providing curious and interesting activities gives students opportunities to share their understanding and build on previous knowledge and...

Books for Coding

During Semester 1,  Megan and I have decided to incorporate coding activities into our library lessons. Our library lessons are 3 weekly rotations of Recreational Reading,...

Sharing in the MarketPlace!

I was intrigued and excited to participate in a 'Marketplace' concept at a conference which was practitioner-led to develop irresistible, impactful opportunities for children and families....

Awesome Automatons!

TechMate Evening Term 2 challenged our participants to design and make an automaton. The girls, along with their significant male, planned, sorted materials and...

Makey Makey and More!

Spring Holiday STEMies Day was busy with exploring, creating and making interactive activities using Makey Makey, Scratch and Electric Mazes. Using projects available on Code...

Technology in the Hands of Creative Thinkers

Why do we need our students to be creative? ACARA General Capabilities states “Responding to the challenges of the twenty-first century – with its complex...