Ideas for using Technology in the Library.

Students live in a technological world and need to be supported in their learning with the new and exciting technologies constantly being developed. The...

Let’s be Creative Thinkers!

Nearly 5 years ago I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book Lifelong Kindergarten by Mitchel Resnick, an inspirational educationalist. I have also been fortunate to...

Sharing in the MarketPlace!

I was intrigued and excited to participate in a 'Marketplace' concept at a conference which was practitioner-led to develop irresistible, impactful opportunities for children and families....

Prof. Lisa Harvey-Smith’s School Holiday Activity Guide

I was honoured to meet the inspiring and amazing Prof.Lisa Harvey-Smith when she visited our school and excited our girls with stories of 'space'!...

Pixilart and EyeJack Edu App

The Year 5 girls enjoyed creating AR art with Pixilart and Eyejack creator. They first installed Eyejack Creator onto their laptops. Then opened Pixilart...

Learning with LittleBits.

This term students have been prototyping with LittleBits. We have been fortunate to be able to purchase the LittleBits Pro-Library which has over 300 bits. In...

TechMate Term 4 2020

One of my favourite events each term is TechMates! The evening is for girls from Grade 4 - 6 to invite a significant male in...

TechMates Become Rube Goldberg!

TechMate evenings are for girls from Grade 4 – Grade 6 to invite a significant male in their lives to join them for an...

Impact of a Makerspace

Trisha Buckley who is a good friend, TL, book reviewer and colleague of #bestteachingpartnerever, Megan Daley, approached us about conducting a case study for her Masters...


There has been lots written on the amount of time fathers (and significant men) spend in their daughters’ lives and how important it is...