Enhancing with EL Wire

STEMies girls this term have been enjoying the opportunity of learning about EL (Electroluminescent) wire and using it to enhance something they owned. EL wire is...

Robots as Companions

Robot technology is our future. We are seeing more and more in every industry. Therefore, it is perfect that institutions like The Cube QUT...

Robogals visit STEMies Club

Girls in STEMies Club were very excited to have Robogals UQ students visit. Robogals is a non-profit student group which run free sessions to inspire, engage...

STEMies in Action!

When considering where to start with our new after school Makerspace Club it was only fitting to begin with an idea which epitomizes the...

EL Wire shines in a Makerspace!

I just love attending workshops at HSBNE (Hackerspace Brisbane) which give me skills and ideas for our school Library Makerspace. EL wire (Electroluminescent wire) is...

Chain Reaction Creations using LittleBits.

LittleBits are small electronic blocks which snap together with magnets. We have had them in our Makerspace for quite a long time and I have...

Creating with a 3D Printer

Megan and I were so excited when our wonderful Chief Information Officer, Greg, arrived at our Library door with a gift of an Aldi 3D Printer .................

Giving Students Choice

This semester our Year 6 girls have been studying History focussing on the following Inquiry Questions: Who were the people who came to Australia? Why...

Our First LEGO League Journey

A few months ago I approached my principal about entering a team into the First LEGO League competition, as always, she was very supportive....

Impact of a Makerspace

Trisha Buckley who is a good friend, TL, book reviewer and colleague of #bestteachingpartnerever, Megan Daley, approached us about conducting a case study for her Masters...