UN Sustainable Development Goals & the Micro:Bit

Engaging students with the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals using the Micro:Bit was successful and fun when games were created. Each student selected...

Ideas for Exploring Machine Learning in the Primary Years.

Artificial Intelligence, and its subset Machine Learning, is very much part of our lives and will be even more so in the lives of...

Inspiring Young Students to Create with Technology.

This post is in preparation for a session I’m running at this year’s National Education Summit in Brisbane, 15 & 16 May. It is...

AI & Machine Learning in the Classroom

So, what is AI and Machine Learning? CSER (Adelaide University) have created another MOOC (Mass Open Online Course) and this time for ‘Teaching AI in...


There has been lots written on the amount of time fathers (and significant men) spend in their daughters’ lives and how important it is...

Robotronica 2017

Once a year QUT hosts Robotronica a free Robotics and Technology Spectacular with demonstrations, workshops, games and discussions. Numerous engaging activities for all ages were...

Bletchley Park…..where computing began!

  I had an amazing day with my sister-in-law, learning about the incredible work of the 'codebreakers' during WWII at Bletchley Park. I knew I...