Creating with CoSPaces and Metaverse

VR and AR enhances learning experiences for students. If you have used either of these realities, you will most certainly agree. Different subjects can be taught in new and exciting ways, making the learning process fun. As written on

“In addition to enabling educational “travel,” AR and VR have been shown to improve motor skills, enhance imaginative play and thinking, and inspire learning through gamification. … This helps students see how to take these skills with them into the workplace and makes what they are learning more relevant to them. May 10, 2018

Students are engaged during lessons because there are no outside distractions as this technology is immersive in nature, inspires creative learning, and promotes curiosity. And of course, even better when students are creating their own realities to immerse into and share!

CoSpaces software, which is free for basic use, has provided engaging and stimulating opportunities for the creation of virtual environments. CoSpaces Edu lets students build their own 3D creations, animate them with code and explore them in Virtual or Augmented Reality.

It empowers students to become creators and prepare them for their future, CoSpaces Edu develops 21st Century learning skills and digital literacy, enhances creativity and fosters collaboration in the classroom. Teachers can create a free class account and each student is able to create two environments.

Once a 3D creation has been made the software will generate a QR code which can then be read by the CoSpaces Edu app and be viewed in a headset or on a screen.

Below are photos of three QR Codes which can be read with CoSpaces Edu app (free to download) , the girls had fun creating moon environments as a fun activity in science. These were made in just two single lessons…….coding, animating, adding sound and text!

Metaverse is an exciting platform (website and app) for creating, sharing, and interacting with augmented-reality “experiences.”

The word metaverse is a portmanteau of the prefix “meta” (meaning “beyond”) and “universe” and is typically used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the internet, made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe. (

This is a great tool which can be used across all areas of the curriculum to enhance learning and excite students. Experiences are created and published with an URL or a QR Code. Students can respond to the experience in AR, for example, a quiz on a book or report, delving into a 360 degree virtual world, viewing video clips, digital scavenger hunts, choose your own adventure story! Older students are able create their own experiences.

There are plenty of tutorials to get started and it really is quick to build and share an ‘experience’.

Below are some QR Codes (use Metaverse App to view) of a few short ones I’ve created or found on Metaverse website.

VR and AR will factor increasingly more in education.




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Jackie Child
Jackie Child has been teaching primary aged students for 40 years in a number of countries. She is passionate about how children learn through constructivist pedagogy. She is a Teacher Librarian at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School and a sessional tutor at Griffith University for pre-service teachers. Jackie doesn’t believe in standing still, there is always plenty to ‘do’ and learn!