Robotics Competitions

An exciting way to get our girls involved in robotics is through competitions. We hold an annual Interhouse Robotics Competition where the girls bring...

STEM Ideas for Year 7 & 8

Students acquire knowledge and skills through a range of approaches, including experimenting, playing, and discovering. By offering engaging and thought-provoking activities across the curriculum,...

STEM and Art

Delivering the technologies curriculum to students provides a wonderful opportunity to address many STEM principles. STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates...

Awesome Aqua Cars!

This term in STEMies Club, the girls had an exciting project to build their very own Aqua Car using Kinetikits. This project not only...

Lively Learning with CSER

I have raved about CSER MOOC's (massive open online course) many times throughout my blog. Now I'm excited to share more amazing resources 'The Computer Science...

Why ‘Making’ needs to be part of the School Curriculum.

After spending the last couple of years researching the Maker Movement and providing space within our Junior School library for a Makerspace I have...

The Digital Technologies Hub

Some time ago while I was out running I received a phone call from Chris Harte (educational consultant) to talk about the development of the...

OSS DigiTech 2016

What a wonderful day of learning and sharing! Oakleigh State School in Brisbane has a very active MakerSpace with plenty of resources and ideas....

Books for Coding

During Semester 1,  Megan and I have decided to incorporate coding activities into our library lessons. Our library lessons are 3 weekly rotations of Recreational Reading,...

Playground Creations

Our girls in STEMies Club have been exploring ways to incorporate simple machines into playground designs. After closely examining the six simple machines and...